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“Passion is the path to abundance”. 


We are aiming high! 

We'd like to bring the forest school experience to as many local children as possible who would otherwise be unable to attend without assistance.  Please consider supporting us through our ASSISTANCE FUND

Other Ways to Give


As a small, local, female-owned, East Mountain-based business with a small budget & incredibly BIG dreams, we will graciously & gratefully accept a variety of gifts from our community & beyond!


We are always in need of high-quality children’s clothing & gear that can hold up to rugged outdoor play in all weather: Hiking boots, snow boots, rain boots, wool socks, sun hats, fleece jackets, raincoats & suits, winter coats & non-cotton “first layers” to wear under clothing in cooler weather, would all be put to good use (ages / sizes 3-10 years).  Used clothing & gear (backpacks, water bladders, etc.) passed down from former Treeschoolers is great, too.

Books & Materials

We love reading books in the forest & have a lengthy wish-list of titles.  Books make wonderful gifts for our teachers (hint, hint) & a book donated in your child’s name for their birthday is a nice way of honoring their time learning & exploring at SOL Forest School. Our wishlist of books and useful items is linked below!

Teacher Training

As our SOL team grows, the need for professional development & Wilderness First Aid training also increases. If this is an area in which you feel you can either donate your expertise, or an area in which you would like to specifically support with a financial donation, please email us at with "Teacher Training" in the subject line, or donate through our Pay Pal button here!

Sponsor a Treeschooler 

SOL aims to increase access to nature for all children but sadly, Forest School remains out of reach for many children at this point in time.  This will change when the system embraces this way of educating young children (& licensing welcomes it). Until then, we invite folks who feel  passionate about an equitable world consider Sponsoring a Treeschooler through our scholarship fund.



THANK YOU for your support!

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